[HL-10] Implement insertion and deletion on a trie
Problem: Given a trie (prefix tree), implement insertion and deletion of a word.
/ | \
| / \ / | \
# N S A H O
| | | | \
# # V E W
| | \ |
E R # N
| | |
R E #
| |
N #
word: a string “[a-z]*”.
- insert(word)
- delete(word)
Definition of a TrieNode (TreeNode):
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, ch):
self.val = ch
self.children = [None]*27 # [0..25] are [a..z], [26] is for '#'.
Insertion (recursive):
1) If “”, reach the end of target word, and insert ‘#’ for representing that there is a word ending here.
2) If not “”,
- 2.a) if child word[0] doesn’t exist. Create a new one.
- 2.b) Insert word[1:] to the word[0]’s subtree.
Deletion (recursive):
1) What should be deleted? a node without any child (including ‘#’).
2) Where to delete? Node’s parent. A parent should get a return value to know whether or not it should delete that node.
Check whether a node should be deleted.
for child in root.children:
if child != None:
return False
return True
If target word is “”, then clean ‘#’. So that there is not a word anymore.
if not word:
root.children[-1] = None
If target word is not empty, then decide whether we can delete child word[0].
ind = ord(word[0])-ord('a')
# the node exist, delete this node
if root.children[ind] and detele(root.children[ind], word[1:]):
root.children[ind] = None
Deletion (iterative):
The iterative version is to use a stack, which stores the travel path. Then, it recursively deletes a pop-out node’s child, e.g., we delete ‘#’ for ‘E’ and ‘E’ for ‘H’.
If ‘H’ can be popped out from the stack, it means that ‘E’ can be deleted because it a null node with no children after deleting ‘#’. If ‘E’ has any other children than ‘#’, then we break the deleting loop. We shouldn’t delete ‘E’ because it is a part of another word.
The code is as follows:
def delete_iterative(root, word):
Iterative version: use stack.
1) put the path into a stack.
2) pop out and delete its child.
3) check whether or not we can delete this node.
stack = [root]
ptr = root
for ch in word:
ind = ord(ch)-ord('a')
if ptr.children[ind]:
ptr = ptr.children[ind]
# not exist
n = len(stack) # = len(word)+1
for i in xrange(n):
ptr = stack.pop()
if i == 0:
ind = -1 # for '#'
ind = ord(word[len(word)-i])-ord('a')
ptr.children[ind] = None
for child in ptr.children:
if child:
Complete solution (recursively):
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, ch):
self.val = ch
self.children = [None]*27
def insert(root, word):
if not word:
root.children[-1] = '#'
return # easy to forget
ind = ord(word[0])-ord('a')
if not root.children[ind]:
root.children[ind] = TreeNode(word[0])
insert(root.children[ind], word[1:])
def detele(root, word):
if not word:
# We reach the end of target word:
# e.g. "the" or "ther", to remove '#'.
root.children[-1] = None
# not reach the end.
ind = ord(word[0])-ord('a')
# the node exist, delete this node
if root.children[ind] and detele(root.children[ind], word[1:]):
root.children[ind] = None
# answer whether or not this node can be removed.
for child in root.children:
if child != None:
return False
return True
def get_all(root, word, all_words):
if root.children[-1] == '#':
for i in range(26):
if root.children[i] != None:
new_word = word + root.children[i].val
get_all(root.children[i], new_word, all_words)
root = TreeNode(None)
insert(root, "a")
insert(root, "in")
insert(root, "is")
insert(root, "tavern")
insert(root, "the")
insert(root, "there")
insert(root, "town")
words = []
get_all(root, "", words)
print words
words = []
detele(root, "ie")
detele(root, "ther")
detele(root, "there")
get_all(root, "", words)
print words
There are two questions on Leetcode relate to Trie: 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) and 211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design.
In addition, Chapter 5.2 (page 730) in the Algorithms 4th introduces the Trie.