This is a minimal set cover problem. I met such a problem during one of my coding interviews.

Problem: Given a group of sets S, find a minimal set covering that includes all elements in U.


S = {s1, s2, s3, s4}

s1 = {1,2,3}

s2 = {2,4}

s3 = {3,4}

s4 = {4,5}

U = {1,2,3,4,5}


ans = {s1, s4}

Solution: Greedy Algorithm (polynomial time approximation)

Idea: at each stage, choose the set that contains the largest number of uncovered elements.

Minimal set cover problem.

# At each stage, find a set that includes largest number of uncovered
# elements.
def set_cover(S, U):
    ans = []
    while len(U) != 0:
        # find a set that maximumly covers
        intersects = [U.intersection(x) for x in S]
        lengths = map(len, intersects)
        max_index = lengths.index(max(lengths))

        # remove it from the entire set and uncovered set

    return ans

s1 = set([1,2,3])
s2 = set([2,4])
s3 = set([3,4])
s4 = set([4,5])
S = [s1,s2,s3,s4]
U = set([1,2,3,4,5])

print set_cover(S, U)

Here, I give a simple implementation. You can find more on Wikipedia. A more difficult problem is that every set has a weight, so it requires to cover all items in U with a minimal total weight (refer to [3]).


[0] Set cover problem on Wikipedia

[1] Polynomials on MATH is FUN

[2] What is P, NP, and NPC problems (Chinese), great explanation of those problems.

[3] Set Cover Problem Set 1 (Greedy Approximate Algorithm)